
ホーム > ジャズ・ヴォーカル > ローズマリー・クルーニー


ローズマリー・クルーニー(英語: Rosemary Clooney、1928年5月23日 - 2002年6月29日)は、アメリカの歌手、女優である。(Wikipedia)。
  1. Rosie Solves the Swingin' Riddle! (1960)
  2. Here's to My Lady (1978)
  3. Sings The Music Of Harold Arlen (1983)
  4. At Long Last (with the Count Basie Orchestra) (1998)

Rosie Solves the Swingin' Riddle!


Side A:

  1. Get Me to the Church on Time (Lerner, Loewe) 2:10
  2. Angry (Mecum, Cassard, H. Brunies, M. Brunies) 2:22
  3. I Get Along Without You Very Well (Hoagy Carmichael) 2:40
  4. How Am I To Know? (Dorothy Parker, Jack King) 2:48
  5. You Took Advantage of Me (Hart, Rodgers) 2:55
  6. April in Paris (E.Y. Harburg, Vernon Duke) 2:37
Side B:
  1. I Ain't Got Nobody (And Nobody Cares for Me) (Roger Graham, Spencer Williams) 2:50
  2. Some of These Days (Shelton Brooks) 2:13
  3. By Myself (Howard Dietz, Arthur Schwartz) 2:21
  4. Shine on Harvest Moon (Nora Bayes, Jack Norworth) 2:16
  5. Cabin in the Sky (John Latouche, Vernon Duke) 2:31
  6. Limehouse Blues (Douglas Furber, Philip Braham) 2:13
Rosemary Cloony, vo; Nelson Riddle, ar, cond. recorded at RCA Victor's Music Center of the World, Hollywood, California, on May 25, 27, and June 2, 1960 / BMG Victor BVJJ-2859 (RCA LSP-2265)

Here's to My Lady / Rosemary Clooney


ロージーことRM(ローズマリー)が、コンコード・ジャズ・レーベルに吹き込んだ2枚目のアルバム。原題は"Here's to My Lady"、Ladyとは云わずと知れたビリー・ホリディのことだが、2人のパーソナリティは対照的だ。その共通点のないところが、本作の魅力。ビリーは恋の歌、それも失恋の歌を多く唄った。本作の録音は1978年。ロージーがビリーに捧げたというコンセプトで作られたアルバムだが、A-5の"Don't Explain"が素晴らしい。この1曲を聴くためにターンテーブルに載せてみた。しっとりと、そしてハイテンションに歌うロージーの歌声には、恋人を思う優しさとあきらめが交錯するような切なさが漂い、いつも胸が痛くなってしまう。ビリーが夫に浮気されたときに書いたという自伝にも詳しいらしい。「帰ってきてくれただけで嬉しい。言い訳はしないでyo」と唄う。
Side A:

  1. I Cover The Waterfront (Johnny Green, Edward Heyman, 1933) 3:35
  2. Good Morning Heartache (Ervin Drake, Dan Fisher, Irene Higginbotham, 1945) 4:18
  3. Mean To Me (Fred Ahlert, Roy Turk, 1929) 3:45
  4. Lover Man (James Edward Davis, Ram Ramirez, Jimmy Sherman, 1942) 4:30
  5. Don't Explain(Billie Holiday, Arthur Herzog Jr., 1944) 4:45

Side B:
  1. Comes Love (Sam H Stept, Lew Brown, Charles Tobias, 1939) 4:46
  2. He's Funny That Way (Charles N. Daniels, Richard A. Whiting, 1928) 4:38
  3. God Bless' The Child (Arthur Herzog Jr., Billie Holiday, 1941) 2:25
  4. Them There Eyes (Maceo Pinkard, Doris Tauber, William G Tracey, 1930) 2:35
  5. Everything Happens To Me (Matt Dennis, Thomas Adair, 1941) 5:30

Rosemary Clooney, vo; Scott Hamilton, ts; Warren Vache, cor; Cal Collins, g; Nat Pierce, p; Monty Budwig, b; Jake Hanna, ds; Recorded on 1978 / Yupiteru LCJ-2041 (Concord)

Sings The Music Of Harold Arlen


  1. Hurray For Love (Harold Arlen, Leo Robin, 1948) 3:08
  2. Happiness A Thing Called Joe (Arlen, Edgar Yipsel Hurburg, 1940) 4:32
  3. One For My Baby (Arlen, Johny Merser, 1943)3:46
  4. Get Happy (Arlen, Ted Koehler, 1930)3:05
  5. Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead (Arlen, E.Y. Hurburg, 1939)3:23
  6. Out Of This World (Arlen, Johny Merser, 1945)4:55
  7. My Shining Hour (Arlen, Johny Merser, 1943)3:48
  8. Let's Take The Long Way Home (Arlen, Ted Koehler)3:31
  9. Stormy Weather (Arlen, Ted Koehler, 1933)5:41
Rosemary Clooney, vo; Ed Bickert, tp; Scott Hamilton, ts; Jake Hanna, ds; Dave McKenna, p; Warren Vache, cor; Steve Wallace, b; Recorded on Jan. 1983, Tront / Produced by Carl E. Jefferson / K. KICJ-10 (Concord), Puchased on Feb. 14, 1998

At Long Last (with the Count Basie Orchestra) (1998)

Source:Wikipedia 2016/1/13

  1. Just In Time (B.Comden, A.Green, J.Styne) 2:54
  2. Like Someone In Love (J.Burke, J.V.Heusen) 3:53
  3. Willow Weep For Me (A.Ronell) 4:22
  4. Lulllaby Of Broadway (A.Dubin, H.Warren) 3:20
  5. Old Devil Moon (E.Y.Harburg, B.Lane) 4:02
  6. Everything Happens To Me (T.Adair, M.Dennis) 4:45
  7. I Want To Be A Sideman (D.Frishberg) 4:05
  8. In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning (B.Hilliard, D.Mann) 3:56
  9. How About You (R.Freed, B.Lane) 3:05
  10. The Man That Got Away (I.Gershwin, H.Arlen) 5:53
  11. Seems Like Old Times (C.Lombardo, J.Loeb) 2:40
  12. Guess I'll Hang My Tears Out To Dry (S.Cahn, J.Styne) 4:21
  13. It Just Happened To Me (N.Clooney, E.Brown) 2:53
  14. I Got Rhythm (Gershwin) 4:09
  15. Gypsy In My Soul (M.Jaffe, C.Boland) 3:42
  16. If Swing Goes I Go Too (F.Astaire) 3:54
Rosemary Clooney, vo; The Count Basie Orchestra; Recorded November 1997, June 1998 / CCD-4795 (Concord)

Last modified: Wed, 13 Jan 2016 20:46:50 +0900
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